Hot Chocolate Sales Have Begun! Proceeds Benefit the Library

Cups of delicious hot chocolate are now available for purchase in the mornings before school. Each cup costs $1.00 and sales benefit the Verner library. Last year, Verner raised almost $900 which allowed the library to purchase 60 new books. The Rosenstiel family will be located in the main hall now through February, so make plans to purchase many cups of hot chocolate throughout these winter months.

Hot Chocolate Sales Help Purchase 60 New Library Books

This year’s hot chocolate sales earned close to $900. That is enough for Verner to buy 60 new library books! We should have these new books before the end of the school year for students to enjoy.

We are so grateful to the Rosenstiel family for their dedication to this project. They were at school early every morning during the months of November, December, January, and February — what dedication! We also want to thank the Welborn family for providing the hot chocolate mix at cost for this project. Our parents are AWESOME!

And thank you to everyone that purchased a cup of hot chocolate. Your dollar helps introduce new experiences to our students through the wonderful world of books!