Children and Recreational Technology Use

Recreational use of cell phones and other technology is an everyday occurrence for many of our children. While there is much good that comes with technology, there is also some concern regarding the time spent on devices for recreational purposes and a child’s possible attachment to such devices. Below are links to two resources related to this topic.

Teen Cell Phone Use Article (CNN 5/3/2016)

Child Technology Test

Principal Curtis Addresses Inquiries About Family Purchases of Digital Devices

As we approach the holiday season, parents may be considering purchasing a mobile digital device (i.e. laptop or tablet) for their child. There are many devices to choose from on the market and each has its own advantages. Some parents have inquired about the best device to purchase for home use that “mirrors” devices used for activities and academics at Verner.

The Tuscaloosa City Schools has invested in the purchase of HP Chromebooks laptop computers (14” screen model) for student use in language arts and math classes in grades 8-12. At this time, there is not an approved timeline to introduce the use of such devices at the elementary school level. However, the school board is pursuing a one-to-one student-to-computer ratio for all students in city schools.

If parents are interested in purchasing a Chromebook, parents should note that Chromebooks are most effective when they are connected to the Internet.  Therefore, a fast connection and Wi-Fi is needed for optimal performance.

At Verner, we encourage the use of technology by our students in the classroom and at home. And whether they use Chromebooks or some other digital device, we want our students to grow in their technology learning. Whichever device parents may consider, we do suggest that you select one that is Wi-Fi enabled so that your student has access to all of their device’s capabilities whether they are studying at the library or enjoying one of Verner’s BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) days throughout the school year.

If you would like more information about Chromebooks, you may visit either of these websites recommended by the TCS Technology Department:

Also, if you are replacing your home or business computers, the classrooms at Verner welcome your donation of your old ones. We need them for classroom workstations for the students.

Principal Beth Curtis